AWS Lambda Function to Trigger ECS on a GitHub Webhook
The following is the AWS Lambda python function I use to listen for a GitHib.
Here is how the GitHub webhooks works:
When the associated GitHub repository receives a push it constructs a "payload" that includes the commit hash as well as a bunch of other stuff..
GitHub posts to the configured endpoint. In this post is included a
header that is the HMAC of of the payload using the wwebhook secret.
When the AWS API gets posted to by GitHub, it calls the AWS Lambda function
passing it three parameters (see section
"Add mapping template to the AWS API POST method" on previous page).
The Lambda function below takes the request from the AWS API, extracts the payload, decodes it,
computes the HMAC of the payload using the secret and compares it to the
header. If they match, the Lambda function concludes that the request
is authentic and calls the ECS task.
The code:
# Python 3
import json
import boto3
import re
import http
import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
import urllib
# Based on
def verify_signature(secret, signature, payload_decoded):
computed_hash =, payload_decoded, hashlib.sha1)
computed_signature = '='.join(['sha1', computed_hash.hexdigest()])
return hmac.compare_digest(computed_signature, str(signature))
def return_response(code, message):
return {
'statusCode': code,
'body': message
def lambda_handler(event, context):
if ('secret' not in event):
return return_response(400, "Error: 'secret' key not found in event parameter")
if ('x_hub_signature' not in event):
return return_response(400, "Error: 'x_hub_signature' key not found in event parameter")
if ('payload' not in event):
return return_response(400, "Error: 'payload' key not found in event parameter")
secret = event['secret']
signature = event['x_hub_signature']
payload_decoded = base64.b64decode(event['payload'])
verified = verify_signature(secret, signature, payload_decoded)
if (not verified):
return return_response(400, "Error: signature did not match")
client = boto3.client('ecs')
'awsvpcConfiguration': {
'subnets': [
'assignPublicIp': 'ENABLED',
return return_response(200, "Started task successfully")